Your club’s turnkey solution to world-class instruction, increased revenue and member retention.
The Powered by Impact Zone Golf® Academy Model
Fact: Members Who Play Better Golf – Stay at Your Club for Longer and Spend More Money!
Every club wants to retain its members and encourage spending.
Yet so often in the club industry, management looks for complicated solutions that solve the wrong problem.
Enhancing your facilities typically doesn’t give the return you’re looking for.
Enhancing the club’s physical facilities, tweaking the course, or adding a spa are all lovely, but expensive long-term projects that don’t often give a high ROI.
Meanwhile the fastest and most simple solution to a rapid increase in ROI is ignored.
The proven number one way to achieve member retention and increase spending quickly is to help your members play better golf! It’s a classic win/win. The member gets more enjoyment from the game and thus participates more, driving retention and revenue for the club!
- 95% of Core golfers have a strong desire to improve.
- 80% say they are willing to work on their game.
- 81% believe they can improve.
Only 23% of those golfers took a golf lesson in the past 12 months, and 40% didn’t know of a teaching professional they could attend.
38% of Private Country Club members are want-to-be lesson takers without a suitable solution to improve their game. That’s a big problem that almost all golf clubs are facing.
But Wait Our Club has a Golf Professional Already?
Not all golf lessons are created equal; no industry standard for teaching exists. Most pros teach whatever they learned as a kid, which in most cases is style-based teaching that seldom generates results for students. Impact-Based® golf instruction is a PGA and PGA Tour Proven system that guarantees improvement for your members.
Members demand the latest and greatest.
Members want lessons with the latest high tech which many clubs can’t provide, and if they do, rarely is the staff adequately trained to teach.
Golf Instruction is not their Pro’s primary focus, they have many other duties.
Additionally, most golf clubs have not considered golf instruction a meaningful business and have thus not developed a business model for its success. Though some have tried, most attempts have been very unsuccessful.
Your Club’s Turnkey Solution – The Powered by Impact Zone Golf® Academy Model
Impact Zone Golf is the world’s leader in training golf instructors in all aspects of teaching, business skills, technology, and coaching and now offers 3rd party management of your clubs Instruction.
- Deliver world-class instruction to your members without the headaches- IZG instruction simplifies golf instruction into five key points for rapid and lasting improvement.
- Drive More Revenue from Instruction – Most clubs generate under $50k in instruction income and could be generating 2x, 5x, 10x, or more, resulting in 7-figure ROIs with minimum investments.
- Staff Retention – The club’s existing staff can earn extra money through golf instruction without the club coming out of pocket directly, reducing staff attrition.
- New Members – Instruction provides a Sales Funnel for New Golfers and New Memberships.
These statistics were generated in 2023 by the Proponent Group
- Reduce member attrition rates: A Large Management Company recently identified that their golf clubs without high-end instruction had a 12% annual member attrition rate; for those with well-developed instruction, attrition was 1.8% or an 83% reduction in attrition. Proponent Group said the management companies are leaving at least $30-$50 million on the table annually.
- Increase member spend – Golf members taking lessons spend 78% more: More income is generated through more play, higher pro shop sales, and more food and beverage sales. The Proponent Group surveyed that the average club directly benefits $1.75 for every $1 earned from Instruction.
- Enjoy happier members – Unlike my other points, I have no actual proof on this one, but having been a member of many clubs myself, I’m pretty sure you will find members who play well complain less!
Find Out What the IZG Golf Academy Package Includes:
Be the leader in your city by partnering with Impact Zone Golf today and bring world-class instruction to your club along with all its benefits. Your members will thank you and your board will appreciate the revenue and retention.
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